Kate Dunlap

M.S. Water Resources- University of New Hampshire
B.A. Environmental Studies, B.A. Spanish- Pacific Lutheran University
Research Focus at UNH:
I measured seasonal patterns in nitrate assimilation and denitrification in Burley-Demeritt Creek, on the UNH Organic Dairy Farm.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Source Water Quality Program Coordinator
City of Boulder, Colorado

To protect and preserve the city’s source water quality, I collaborate across sectors, analyze environmental data, and communicate results to inform special projects and policies, and educate staff and customers about our drinking water.


Dunlap, C.R., Sklenar, K.S., Blake, L.J. 2015. A costly endeavor: addressing algae problems in a water supply. Journal of the American Water Works Association. https://awwa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.5942/jawwa.2015.107.0055.