Elena Traister

Ph.D. University of New Hampshire, 2010
Research Focus at UNH:
My research focused on stream disturbance ecology and I had field sites in New Hampshire (on the Suncook River), in western Massachusetts, and in the Czech Republic.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Selected publications:
Kram, P., Oulehle, F., Stedra, V., Hruska, J., Shanley, J.B., Minocha, R., and E. Traister. 2010. Geoecology of a forest watershed underlain by serpentine in Central Europe. Northeastern  Naturalist 16:309-328.

Kram P., Traister E., Kolarikova K., Oulehle F., Skorepa J., Fottova D. (2008) Potocni makrozoobentos deviti vybranych povodi site GEOMON (In Czech , English abstract: Stream  benthic macroinvertebrates of nine selected catchments of the GEOMON network). Zpravy o  geologickych vyzkumech za rok 2007 (Geoscience Research Reports for 2007), 162-168, Ceska geologicka sluzba (Czech Geological Survey), Praha, in press.

Traister, E.M. and S. Anisfeld. 2006. Variability of Indicator Bacteria at Different Time Scales in the Upper Hoosic River Watershed. Environmental Science and Technology 40: 4990-4995.

Traister, E.M., McDowell, W.H., Kram, P, Fottova, D., and K. Kolarikova. Persistent effects of acidification on stream ecosystem structure and function. 2013. Freshwater Science 32: 586-596.